Hi 🙂
I think you can do it quite easily through the API
I'm not sure how to extract this information.
I'm trying to get the "completed at" information (in my case is Mar 3 2022 12:14 as it is shown in the pic I attached) using the API to my python script.
The closest think I found is by doing the following:task = clearml.Task.get_task(task_id=<task_id>) task.comment
which gives me the result:'Auto-generated at 2022-03-01 06:27:52 UTC by havi@dgroup'
This solution can be good too but if there is a way to extract the specific information I will be happy to know:)
You can use the API to call tasks.get_by_id
and get that specific information. In the response it sits indata.tasks.0.completed