I'm not sure how to extract this information.
I'm trying to get the "completed at" information (in my case is Mar 3 2022 12:14 as it is shown in the pic I attached) using the API to my python script.
The closest think I found is by doing the following:task = clearml.Task.get_task(task_id=<task_id>) task.comment
which gives me the result:'Auto-generated at 2022-03-01 06:27:52 UTC by havi@dgroup'
This solution can be good too but if there is a way to extract the specific information I will be happy to know:)
Hi 🙂
I think you can do it quite easily through the API
You can use the API to call tasks.get_by_id
and get that specific information. In the response it sits indata.tasks.0.completed