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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi Everyone, I Was Looking Into Clearml Integration With Nvidia For Transfer Learning. Does Clearml Have Plans To Integrate With The New Tao? Looks Like Nvidia Is Focusing Tao As A Low Code Transfer Learning Tool With Everything Done In Command Line, Whic

Hi everyone, I was looking into clearml integration with Nvidia for transfer learning. Does clearml have plans to integrate with the new TAO? Looks like nvidia is focusing TAO as a low code transfer learning tool with everything done in command line, which might make it more difficult to integrate with clearml experiment tracking

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 10

Can you please expand regarding this new TAO and what's the difference to how triton serves at the moment?

Posted 2 years ago

I am not sure the difference in terms of triton serving, but in terms of retraining, I see from the ClearML TLT example code it relies on the nvidia IVA python package. The latest TAO doesn't use python for fine tuning, rather it uses the CLI entirely

Posted 2 years ago

Hmm interesting, I guess once you are able to connect it with ClearML you can just clone / modify / enqueue and let users train models directly from the UI on any hardware, is that the plan ?

Posted 2 years ago

I am just trying to set up this repository of AI use cases for my team so that members can quickly produce a model on their limited custom dataset

Posted 2 years ago

I tried running TAO, what the cli does is that it spins up docker containers to do the actual training, which would complicate the clearml integration

Posted 2 years ago

The latest TAO doesn't use python for fine tuning, rather it uses the CLI entirely

It's a good question, but I think the CLI actually just runs a python code (the CLI is their interface). Generally speaking I'm pretty sure it will not be complicated to convert the TLT integration to support TAO (Nvidia helps with that, and I think we had a similar proces with Nvidia Clara/MONAI)
BTW: how are you using Nvidia TAO ?

Posted 2 years ago

Yup, ideally that will be the use case. Another thing to note is that it looks like nvidia is going to come up with an UI for TAO too

Posted 2 years ago

it looks like nvidia is going to come up with an UI for TAO too

Interesting, any reference we could look at ?

Posted 2 years ago

that's why I think the clearml TLT example will no longer work with the latest TAO

Posted 2 years ago