Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
It Would Be Nice To Group Experiments Within Projects Use Cases:

it would be nice to group experiments within projects
use cases:
hyperparameter sweep (10 experiments with different learning rate) finetuning models (for example, we trained a model with Adam and then finetuned it with SGD in a separate experiment) sequential models (we trained one model and then finetuned a separate head with the same backbone)

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 13

DilapidatedDucks58 so is this more like a pipeline DAG that is built ?
I'm assuming this is more than just grouping ?
(by that I mean, accessing a Tasks artifact does necessarily point to a "connection", no? Is it a single Task everyone is accessing, or a "type" of a Task ?
Is this process fixed, i.e. for a certain project we have a flow (1) executed Task of type A, then Task of type (B) using the artifacts fro Task (A). This implies we might have multiple Tasks of types A/B but they are always used this way. wdyt?

Posted 2 years ago

DilapidatedDucks58 Nice!

but it would be great to see predecessors of each experiment in the chain

So maybe we should add "manual pipeline" to create the connection post execution ? is this a one time thing ?
Maybe a service creating these flow charts ?
Should we put them in the Project's readme ? Or in the Pipeline section (coming soon)

Posted 2 years ago

parents and children. maybe tags, maybe separate tab or section, idk. I wonder if anyone else is interested in this functionality, for us this is a very common case

Posted 2 years ago

Could you use tags for that? In that case you can easily filter on which group you're interested in, or do you have a more impactful UI change in mind to implement groups? 🙂

Posted 2 years ago

it would be nice to group experiments within projects

DilapidatedDucks58 you mean is collapse/expand ? or in something like "sub-project" ?

Posted 2 years ago

The built in HPO uses tags to group experiment runs together and actually use the original optimizer task ID as tag to be able to quickly go back and see where they came from. You can find an example in the ClearML Examples project.

Posted 2 years ago

hard to say, maybe just “related experiments” in experiment info would be enough. I’ll think about it

Posted 2 years ago

so would that be "tags" "parents" ?

Posted 2 years ago

that's right
for example, there are tasks A, B, C
we run multiple experiments for A, finetune some of them in separate tasks, then choose one or more best checkpoints, run some experiments for task B, choose the best experiment, and finally run task C

so we get a chain of tasks: A - A-ft - B- C

ClearML pipeline doesn't quite work here because we would like to analyze results of each step before starting next task

but it would be great to see predecessors of each experiment in the chain

Posted 2 years ago

tags are somewhat fine for this, I guess, but there will be too many of them eventually, and they do not reflect sequential nature of the experiments

Posted 2 years ago

more like collapse/expand, I guess. or pipelines that you can compose after running experiments to see that experiments are connected to each other

Posted 2 years ago

I guess. or pipelines that you can compose after running experiments to see that experiments are connected to each other

hmm what do you mean by "compose after running experiments" ? like a way to group them? what is the relation between one "item" to another ?
If this is a sequence of Tasks , are they executed by a controller ?

Posted 2 years ago

nope, that's the point, quite often we run experiments separately, but they are related to each other. currently there's no way to see that one experiment is using checkpoint from the previous experiment since we need to manually insert S3 link as a hyperparameter. it would be useful to see these connections. maybe instead of grouping we could see which experiments are using artifacts of this experiment

Posted 2 years ago
13 Answers
2 years ago
one year ago