AgitatedDove14 so if I undestand it correctly, the parameters such as time_limit_per_job, max_iteration_per_job, etc. can be surpassed by internal processes in Optuna and so on, right? I observe this behaviour also in the case of RandomSearch, does it stop the experiments either? And as I wrote, the first two spawned tasks were aborted using this message, this is weird, isn't it? I mean that HPO stops the tasks with early stop even though no previous tasks (benchmarks) are known.
Hi CurvedHedgehog15
User aborted: stopping task (3)
This means "someone" externally aborted the Task, in your case the HPO aborted it (the sophisticated HyperBand Bayesian optimization algorithms we use, both Optuna and HpBandster) will early stop experiments based on their performance and continue if they need later
CurvedHedgehog15 , isn't the original experiment you selected to run against is the basic benchmark?
Oh, damn, you're right CostlyOstrich36 , this make sense. And really AgitatedDove14 if I look at the objective, it seems that tasks with the objective far from the base task are aborted. Thank you very much guys.