In any case, feel free to ping us here if you have any questions or run into any trouble 🙂
Thanks for your swift response CostlyOstrich36 !
We're a startup where about 10 people will use ClearML as the experiment logging backend with agents running on 4 on-prem GPU machines. We strive to always have experiments running to not have idle GPUs but this isn't always the case.
Alright so the Redis instance is too mission critical (I'll probably deploy this with the helm chart). The mongo and elastic are necessary and I'd like to deploy these as managed instances in AWS. Do you have any recommendations for the resource configurations for these instances?
CostlyFox64 , Hi 🙂
All 3 databases are requirements for the backend. Redis is used for caching so it's fairly 'lightly' used, you don't need many resources for it. Mongo is for artifacts, system info and some metadata. Elastic is for events and logs, this one might require more resources depending on your usage.
What is the scope of your usage?
Hi CostlyFox64 ,
Do you have any recommendations for the resource configurations for these instances?
No specific configurations, whatever works will probably be OK, you'll probably want to scale up as your usage increases.