Where did clearml-init create the clearml.conf
I will send you an example of the API server value:
` apiserver:
prepopulateEnabled: "true"
prepopulateZipFiles: "/opt/clearml/db-pre-populate"
prepopulateArtifactsPath: "/mnt/fileserver"
configDir: /opt/clearml/config
-- Amount of seconds the authorization cookie will last in user browser
authCookiesMaxAge: 864000
# -- This will set to service's spec.type field
type: LoadBalancer
port: 8008
# -- If service.type set to NodePort, this will be set to service's nodePort field.
# If service.type is set to others, this field will be ignored
nodePort: 30008 `When I am using curl to the API.<dns>
I am getting a response immediately and when i do curl to files.<dns> i am getting an html response, so it looks like i have a connection but the problem with credentials
yes, the login brings me to the right place
now I am doing the clearml-Inuit
and it unable to Verifying credentials
From the profile page. I read some previous post about this problem I found that i need to create the clearml.conf file in the c://Users/ <username> by myself with this text. this solve the problem.
but it is very strange.
ClearML SDK configuration file
api {
credentials {
"access_key" = "0YD2YNTVFY4D09DQ5S4M"
"secret_key" = "SbJZJ4eb5wFog0CmgHlLKal8aOfTnWm2SWGyEqlXQ6UesVmzLh"
verify_certificate: False
Can you guide me through how you got the credentials and then attempted to validate?