Oh, might be my bad - there is a mode in which the logs are actually aggregated there
JuicyFox94 WDYT - can we get these files out into the pod log somehow?
I’m going to investigate (and fix it if possible) in some day
Hi ScrawnyLion96 - as far as I remember these logs are intercepted by the agent from the task's process stdout/stderr, and sent to the server - unless we modify the agent to output them to another location as well, I'm not sure getting them in the way you are looking for will be possible...
I think by default it does that, it's only that the filename itself is temporary, so right now the only way to get it is parse stdout...
I need to investigate, ScrawnyLion96 can you pls open an issue on https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts ?
SuccessfulKoala55 after looking at the issue I’m a bit confused 😄 ; as far as I can see there is no way to pass any parameter to clearml-agent in daemon mode to push log to stdout. Can you confirm it? (If yes I need to find some workaround)
Hi SuccessfulKoala55 ,
On the agent pod the tasks logs are written locally to /tmp/.clearml_agent_out.<random num>.txt
I wan’t those logs to also bind to the hosts stdout, with a console handler for example