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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Is There An Example Of Simple Pipeline Using Task Scheduler? I Want To Create A Simple Pipeline Where First A Folder Is Monitored Using A Taskscheduler, And Under Certain Conditions, Data Is Uploaded And Dataset Id Is Given To The Next Step In The Pipeli

Is there an example of Simple Pipeline using Task Scheduler?

I want to create a simple pipeline where first a folder is monitored using a TaskScheduler, and under certain conditions, data is uploaded and dataset id is given to the next step in the pipeline step. I can't find a specific example for this.

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 10

are there other packages other than venv required on the agent? Since I'm not sure exactly what packages do I need on the agent. Since the function normally wouldn't need venv. It just adds a number by 1

Posted 2 years ago

VexedCat68 , I don't think such an example exists, but if you create one it would be great if you opened a PR for the open source 🙂

Posted 2 years ago

Considering I don't think the function itself requires Venv to run normally but in this case it says it can't find venv

Posted 2 years ago

From the error you provided it looks like virtualenv isn't installed on the environment

Posted 2 years ago

for now installing venv fixes the problem.

Posted 2 years ago

Alright. Anyway I'm practicing with the pipeline. I have an agent listening to the queue. Only problem is, it fails because of requirement issues but I don't know how to pass requirements in this case.

Posted 2 years ago

Ok since its my first time working with pipelines, I wanted to ask. Does the pipeline controller run endlessly or does it run from start to end with me telling it when to start based on a trigger?

Posted 2 years ago

I think the pipeline runs from start to end, starting when the first step starts

Posted 2 years ago

I would normally like for it to install any requirements needed on its own.

Posted 2 years ago

Any way to make it automatically install any packages it finds that it requires? Or do I have to explicitly pass them in packages?

Posted 2 years ago