Another Question, I Have Written A Code That Includes A Task Scheduler That Calls A Function. That Function Watches A Folder And If There Are Sufficient Images, It Creates And Publishes The Dataset, After Which It Clears The Folder.
Problem, For Some Rea
Hi VexedCat68
The scheduler is set to run once per hour but even now I've got around 40+ anonymous running tasks.
Based on the screenshots these are the Datasets (which are also a Task with specific type etc).
I would actually name the Datasets you are creating You need to specify the parent version (i.e. how would it know it is a child dataset changeset) I'm assuming they are all uploading everything, hence still running?BTW: you can use the argument single_instance=True
making sure that no new function callback is created until the previous one completed
3 years ago
2 years ago