Hi Clm Community, I Am Having An Issue With A Private Package Install When Using Clearml-Agent By Env (Not Docker). Things I Have Tried:
Adding The Package Repository To "Extra_Index_Url"
Adding The Conda Env To "Python_Binary"
Listing The Libraries To I
Hi FlatStarfish45 ,
The HPO task will control the HPO process, means it will clone the base task (the one we are optimizing), change the parameters, enqueue it and collect the results.
The base task is the task we want to optimize.
Each one of those two tasks, have different requirements.
You can look at the https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/guides/optimization/hyper-parameter-optimization/examples_hyperparam_opt#set-up-the-arguments for how set the base task in the HPO task.
can this be the case?
3 years ago
one year ago