Just for the system? Fairly low, it's mostly a matter of having enough free system disk to handle growing logs, cached docker images etc., so minimum (not including OS) would be about 100GB to 200GB
Also I made another thread regarding clear ml agent. can you respond to that? I'm gonna be trying to set up a clear ml server properly on a server machine. Want to test how to train models and enqueue tasks and automate this whole process with GPU training included.
Hi VexedCat68 ,
If you're not tight on resources, I would say "medium" requirements can be:
A decent amount of CPU cores (say at least 4) Enough RAM memory to comfortably accommodate ES (at least 16GB) Enough disk space for:File server (dedicated volume, say 1TB) Databases (ES/Mongo, dedicated volume), about 500GB (to be on the safe side) System (and logs etc.), about 200-300GB
Thank you. I'll forward these requirements and wait for a response.
So minimum would be 2 cores with 8 gigs for ram. I'm going to assume 4 cores and 16 gigs would be recommended.
Here's the thread
The question has been answered though you can take a look if I understood correctly there.
SuccessfulKoala55 Sorry to ping you like this. I have to ask. What's the minimum requirements for clear ml installation. Excluding requirements for databases or file server
Understandable. My main concern was that I needed initial requirements for experimentation.
I think the most performance sensitive component is Elastic
Well, usually we recommend a minimum of 2 cores with 8GB RAM
Elastic is what Clear ML uses to handle Data?