Did you run clearml-init
after the pip install ?
This is where I’m getting the error (“Error: could not verify credentials:“)
AgitatedDove14 Detected credentials key=“UXVWG8IKGJBFKT8PHDW7” secret=“VHKs***”
WEB Host configured to: [ https://app.community.clear.ml ]
API Host configured to: [ https://api.community.clear.ml ]
File Store Host configured to: [ https://files.community.clear.ml ]
ClearML Hosts configuration:
Web App: https://app.community.clear.ml
API: https://api.community.clear.ml
File Store: https://files.community.clear.ml
Verifying credentials ...
Error: could not verify credentials: key=UXVWG8IKGJBFKT8PHDW7 secret=VHKXXX
Enter user access key: UXVWG8IKGJBFKT8PHDW7
Enter user secret: VHKXXX
Verifying credentials ...
Error: could not verify credentials: key=UXVWG8IKGJBFKT8PHDW7 secret=VHKXXX
Exiting setup without creating configuration file
(base) drorlederman@Drors-MacBook-Pro ~ %
Check the first steps here:
(Basically you have to generate credentials / configure you machine so it knows where the server is and how to access it)
Make sense ?
AgitatedDove14 I’m not sure why, but now I got home and it works (when I wrote you, I tried it from the office; no firewall in the office)
(I’m using macos and clearml was used to work by me + it is working on “my” gcp)
IrateBee40 I think I have an idea what's wrong, https
could it be there is some firewall in the middle intercepting the entwork, and without installing SSL certificate the ssl connection is failing ?
Yes, I did. When I install clearml, it doesn’t generate this conf file
Ohh I see, could you copy paste what you put there (instead of the secret and key *** will do 🙂 )
api {
# Dror Lederman’s workspace
web_server: https://app.community.clear.ml
api_server: https://api.community.clear.ml
files_server: https://files.community.clear.ml
credentials {
“access_key” = “SMBEQP52835QTKVQ9BUW”
“secret_key” = “kogXXX”
Hi IrateBee40
What do you have in your ~/clearml.conf
Is it pointing to your clearml-server ?
so- first I didn’t have any such file. Shouldn’t this file be generated by the initialization procedure?