looks like this already been solved, it's just not merged yet -- https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/457
ShakyJellyfish91 , Hi!
If I understand correctly you wish for the agent to take the latest commit in the repo while the task was ran at a previous commit?
Hi ShakyJellyfish91 ,
looks like this already been solved, it's just not merged yet --
Yeah, we hope to get a PR soon 🙂 - if you're on it and can test this fix and assist with the PR, we'll appreciate it 🙂
hey CostlyOstrich36 , it's a bit different than that
I have a git repository that containers multiple git submodules
I'm starting the task at the root repository, however, if I have changes within the submodules, clearml doesn't see them
I was looking into implementing my own diff system, as I see the Task.create http API supports that, but the Task.create python API doesn't seem to have support for it