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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
After I Have Create A Task And Closed It In A Notebook, Any Activity Seems To Trigger Another Task. For Example:

After I have create a task and closed it in a notebook, any activity seems to trigger another task. For example:

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 21

I have convention of root task for experiments and a sub-project Pipelines for running “sandboxed” pipeline task. So I do some magic like this

Posted 2 years ago

Thanks AgitatedDove14 . Have removed Task.current_task() usage for this now. Think I can do without it

Posted 2 years ago

Ah thanks for the info.

Posted 2 years ago

Is Task.current_task() creating a task?

Posted 2 years ago

But if haven’t done a task yet

Posted 2 years ago

Create task

Posted 2 years ago

Okay that actually makes sense, let me check I think I know what's going on

Posted 2 years ago

close it

Posted 2 years ago

Is Task.current_task() creating a task?

Hmm it should not, it should return a Task instance if one was already created.
That said, I remember there was a bug (not sure if it was in a released version or an RC) that caused it to create a new Task if there isn't an existing one. Could that be the case ?

Posted 2 years ago

another place I was using was to see if i am in a pipeline task

Posted 2 years ago

I do it to get project name

you can still get it from the task object (even after closing it)

another place I was using was to see if i am in a pipeline task

Yes that makes sense, this is one of the use cases (to see get access to the Task that is currently running). The bug itself will only happen after closing the Task (it needs to clear OS variable).
You can either upgrade to the 1.0.6rc2 or you can hack/fix it with :
os.environ.pop('CLEARML_PROC_MASTER_ID', None) os.environ.pop('TRAINS_PROC_MASTER_ID', None)

Posted 2 years ago

How can I ensure that additional tasks aren’t created for a notebook unless I really want to?

TrickySheep9 are you saying two Tasks are created in the same notebook without you closing one of them ?
(Also, how is the git diff warning there with the latest clearml, I think there was some fix related to that)

Posted 2 years ago

Verified, and already fixed with 1.0.6rc2

Posted 2 years ago

I am on 1.0.3

Posted 2 years ago

btw: any specific reason to call current_task after you closed the main Task ?

Posted 2 years ago

Now do Task.current_task() and it creates a new task

Posted 2 years ago

and then do Task.current_task() it is None as expected

Posted 2 years ago

Exact reproduction:

Posted 2 years ago

How can I ensure that additional tasks aren’t created for a notebook unless I really want to?

Posted 2 years ago

Same without having run any task:

Posted 2 years ago

I do it to get project name

Posted 2 years ago
21 Answers
2 years ago
one year ago