How Can I Clone A Task And Execute_Remotely The Cloned Task With Exit_Process=False. It Currently Kills The Notebook Kernel. If I Say Exit_Process=False, It Says Clone Cannot Be False. Why The Restriction? What To Do In A Notebook To Run A Task Remotely
more like testing especially before a pipeline
Hmm yes, that makes sense.
Any chance you can open a github issue on it?
Let me see if I understand, basically, do not limit the clone on execute_remotely, right ?
When did this PipelineDecorator come. Looks interesting
A few days ago (I think)
It is very cool! checkout the full object proxy interaction on the actual pipeline logic This might be better for your workflow, https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/c85c05ef6aaca4e07e739ba53d13f16e6a994b05/clearml/backend_interface/task/populate.py#L489
3 years ago
2 years ago