Hi StickyMonkey98
I'm (again) having trouble with the lack of documentation regarding Task.get_tasks(task_filter={STUFF}).
Yes we really have to add documentation there... Let me add that to the todo list
How do I filter tasks by time started? It seems there's a "started" property, and the web ui uses "started" as a key-word in the url query, but task_filter results in an error when I try that...Is there some other filter keyword for filtering by start-time??
last 10 started Taskstask_filter={'order_by': ['-started'], 'page_size': 10, 'page': 0,}
How do I more generally build filters, without bothering the precious people of this community, considering I can't find proper documentation? I'm kinda hoping for a pointer the docs that I just missed, but other answers might be helpful as well of course...
This is a tough one ... The documentation lacks these internal queries 😞
Basically the intuition is looking at the actual RestAPI capabilities
The task_filter
argument will pass the keys directly into the get_all request (hence the original cryptic reference to the RestAPI object)