Hi There!
I'M (Again) Having Trouble With The Lack Of Documentation Regarding Task.Get_Tasks(Task_Filter={Stuff}).
The Documentation Refers To Getallrequest, For Which I Couldn'T Find The Docs, And Reading The Code Was Only Partially Helpful.
So I'Ve Actu
At the moment I'm querying by paging through the tasks as you recommended, and then filtering with standard python list-comprehension filters...Which is less than ideal.
At least let's do that better:
Use Task._query_tasks:Task._query_tasks(order_by=['-started'], page_size=10, page=0, only_fields=['id', 'started'])
You will get "lighter" objects returned, then you can filter them with code (but the request will be a lots faster)
SuccessfulKoala55 any suggestion on improving that ?
3 years ago
2 years ago