Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi, I Am Using The Aws Autoscaler And Getting The Following Error While Trying To Spin Up Spot Instances:

Hi, I am using the aws autoscaler and getting the following error while trying to spin up spot instances:
2021-08-16 17:18:48 Spinning new instance type=v100_spot 2021-08-16 17:28:35 Error: Failed to start new instance, Waiter SpotInstanceRequestFulfilled failed: Max attempts exceeded. Previously accepted state: Matched expected service error code: InvalidSpotInstanceRequestID.NotFound 2021-08-16 17:33:36 Spinning new instance type=v100_spot 2021-08-16 17:43:23 Error: Failed to start new instance, Waiter SpotInstanceRequestFulfilled failed: Max attempts exceeded 2021-08-16 17:48:24 Spinning new instance type=v100_spot 2021-08-16 17:58:15 Error: Failed to start new instance, Waiter SpotInstanceRequestFulfilled failed: Max attempts exceeded. Previously accepted state: Matched expected service error code: InvalidSpotInstanceRequestID.NotFound 2021-08-16 18:03:16 Spinning new instance type=v100_spot 2021-08-16 18:13:03 Error: Failed to start new instance, Waiter SpotInstanceRequestFulfilled failed: Max attempts exceeded 2021-08-16 18:18:04 Spinning new instance type=v100_spot 2021-08-16 18:27:56 Error: Failed to start new instance, Waiter SpotInstanceRequestFulfilled failed: Max attempts exceeded. Previously accepted state: Matched expected service error code: InvalidSpotInstanceRequestID.NotFound 2021-08-16 18:32:51 Spinning new instance type=v100_spot 2021-08-16 18:42:43 Error: Failed to start new instance, Waiter SpotInstanceRequestFulfilled failed: Max attempts exceeded. Previously accepted state: Matched expected service error code: InvalidSpotInstanceRequestID.NotFound 2021-08-16 18:47:44 Spinning new instance type=v100_spot 2021-08-16 19:04:17 Ignoring 1 stuck instances of type v100_spot 2021-08-16 19:09:13 Ignoring 1 stuck instances of type v100_spot 2021-08-16 19:14:14 Ignoring 1 stuck instances of type v100_spot .... (Keep logging the same message: "Ignoring 1 stuck instances of type v100_spot")So it looks like there is no availability from aws side - this is fine. But I observe that the aws autoscaler starting from a specific time is always logging Ignoring 1 stuck instances of type v100_spot and not even creating new spot instances requests (I can see it in the AWS console) - Is this expected?
It means that I have to restart it periodically so that it can create new spot instance requests..

Posted 3 years ago
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Answers 6

Hi TimelyPenguin76 , any chance this was fixed already? 🙂

Posted 3 years ago

Hi JitteryCoyote63 ,

thanks for reporting it, I was able to reproduce the issue, will update here once a fix is out 🙂

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago

It should be fixed in one of the next versions

Posted 3 years ago

not yet, will update here once this is fixed

Posted 3 years ago

Hi TimelyPenguin76 , any chance this was fixed? 🙂

Posted 3 years ago
6 Answers
3 years ago
one year ago