Yes please, just to verify my hunch.
I think that somehow the docker mounts the agent is creating are (for some reason) messing it up.
Basically you can just run the following (it will do everything automatically) (replace the <TASK_ID_HERE> with the actual one)docker run -it --gpus "device=1" -e CLEARML_WORKER_ID=Gandalf:gpu1 -e CLEARML_DOCKER_IMAGE=nvidia/cuda:11.4.0-devel-ubuntu18.04 -v /home/dwhitena/.git-credentials:/root/.git-credentials -v /home/dwhitena/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig -v /tmp/.clearml_agent.7rjdh80a.cfg:/root/clearml.conf -v /tmp/clearml_agent.ssh.ppsd9sze:/root/.ssh -v /home/dwhitena/.clearml/apt-cache.1:/var/cache/apt/archives -v /home/dwhitena/.clearml/pip-cache:/root/.cache/pip -v /home/dwhitena/.clearml/pip-download-cache:/root/.clearml/pip-download-cache -v /home/dwhitena/.clearml/cache:/clearml_agent_cache -v /home/dwhitena/.clearml/vcs-cache:/root/.clearml/vcs-cache --rm nvidia/cuda:11.4.0-devel-ubuntu18.04 bash -c echo \'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "true";\' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean ; chown -R root /root/.cache/pip ; export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ; export CLEARML_APT_INSTALL="$CLEARML_APT_INSTALL libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev libglib2.0-0" ; [ ! -z $(which git) ] || export CLEARML_APT_INSTALL="$CLEARML_APT_INSTALL git" ; declare LOCAL_PYTHON ; for i in {10..5}; do which python3.$i && python3.$i -m pip --version && export LOCAL_PYTHON=$(which python3.$i) && break ; done ; [ ! -z $LOCAL_PYTHON ] || export CLEARML_APT_INSTALL="$CLEARML_APT_INSTALL python3-pip" ; [ -z "$CLEARML_APT_INSTALL" ] || (apt-get update && apt-get install -y $CLEARML_APT_INSTALL) ; [ ! -z $LOCAL_PYTHON ] || export LOCAL_PYTHON=python3 ; $LOCAL_PYTHON -m pip install -U "pip<20.2" ; $LOCAL_PYTHON -m pip install -U clearml-agent ; cp /root/clearml.conf /root/default_clearml.conf ; NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all $LOCAL_PYTHON -u -m clearml_agent execute --disable-monitoring --id <TASK_UD_HERE>