We Have A Clearml Agent Running On An Ec2 Machine. Until Now It Worked Great. We Are Two Team Members Using It Without A Problem Via The Saas Ui.
Starting This Week, While I'M Myself Is Able To Use It As Before, The Other Team Member Gets This Error B
Hi CurvedDolphin95
I would first check the free space on the instance (it might be that git is reporting an inaccurate error and it's free space not permission that causing it to fail the clone).
I would also check your GitHub account, notice that the now only support user/api-key (and not user/pass), which means you need to create an api-key and add it as your password in the clearml.conf.
Any chance that for some reason some of the Tasks are running from a diff user? or not using a docker ?
3 years ago
one year ago