I think gcp has no credentials for this - you need to be logged into your Google account in the browser
Hi SubstantialKoala71 ,
the purpose of this section is to store cloud access credentials (for S3 bucket connections etc.) in your local browser state - i.e. they are not sent to any server and used only locally by the WebApp when it needs to access cloud-storage links (like showing images who's URL links to S3) when the link URL matches the bucket for which the credentials were specified.
No, they are strictly for the browser - since your code cannot communicate with the browser, than no 🙂
Hi SuccessfulKoala55
Is this section only relevant to AWS or also to GCP?
Let me finish to understand, can I get this credentials from my code?... for example, get the credentials of the bucket where is the data to train my model.
Not directly, but yes indirectly (through the API), but perfect, totally clear now. Thank you very much!
We do have something similar to what you are looking for in the future plans