Hi Clear Ml Community,
I’M Interested In Technical Deep Dive Of Clear Ml Feature Store. I Know This Is An Enterprise Offering, But Would Be Good To See Future Perspective Of Enterprise Package On At Least A Level Of Architecture Of Fs.
Would be helpful to have pointers to front-end part as well, like if we would like to maintain single UI for feature governance and use our own feature store back-end that would make it easier. There must be already some logging possibility within experiment tracking, so it should not be too hard to log features and probably dataset that is used + tags for models metadata can hold required schema, so the only questionable part is monitoring of feature skew.
Anyway, thank you for confirming that clearml is extensible enough on this part, it would probably be even better if you guys can make some docs on 3rd party feature store integration. 🙏
3 years ago
2 years ago