Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
I Have A Problem With "Report_Image" When I Gave A Url - Image Was Reported No Problem. When I Use A Local Image/Matrix - The Images Are Not Shown On "Debug Samples" (Url Link Is Broken).

I have a problem with "report_image"
When I gave a URL - image was reported no problem.
When I use a local image/matrix - the images are not shown on "debug samples" (URL link is broken).

Posted 3 years ago
Votes Newest

Answers 30

LethalCentipede31 it might be that the files_server setting in your clearml.conf file is not pointing to the file server in the ClearML Server? Can you give an example to such a "broken" URL?

Posted 3 years ago

What version of the ClearML SDK are you using?

Posted 3 years ago

this is part of the URL from clearML server

Posted 3 years ago

I'll try it when a new version comes out. I prefer to use official releases.
for now I'll use just regular characters in this field.
and again - feature request - add free text there.

Posted 3 years ago

nope. nevermind. it worked with the URL approach

Posted 3 years ago

and again - feature request - add free text there.

LethalCentipede31 can you add a new https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues issue with this request? Just so it won’t get lost

Posted 3 years ago

but I think i found a clue:
I am using the image title to write details like GT, pred results

Posted 3 years ago

suffix for URL approach:
/info-output/debugImages?columns=selected&columns=type&columns=name&columns=tags&columns=status&columns=project.name&columns=users&columns=started&columns=last_update&columns=last_iteration&columns=parent.name&order=last_updatesuffix for image approach:

Posted 3 years ago

can you please debug it and explain what was happening? can you please support adding free text to the uploaded image (such as results, predictions, etc.)?

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago

There were some bug fixes that addressed characters in the series field

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago

no. we are using our own server.

Posted 3 years ago

client-side 0.17.5

Posted 3 years ago

and I need it to report results (I wish there was a way to add free text to those debug samples, without using the "title" and "series" args)

Posted 3 years ago

Can you verify the paths you are using in your script?

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago


is there an alternative method to perform this functionality?

Posted 3 years ago

I am able to open the images in debug mode just before reporting them

Posted 3 years ago

I removed ":" "," and "\n" for the free text in "series" and now it works.

Posted 3 years ago

Can you try the latest RC?

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago

Oh, no, I meant the actual URL for the debug images, the URL that opens in a new tab when you click on the "download" icon in the top-right corner of the debug image preview

Posted 3 years ago

I'm not sure I understand - this is the test you append to the image URL?

Posted 3 years ago

but now it's not broken.
it only brakes when I try to add different text as the "series" argument.

Posted 3 years ago

and I said - when I upload them directly from URL, it's working.

Posted 3 years ago

but this extra text doesn't break the URL approach

Posted 3 years ago

working fine

Posted 3 years ago

Which storage are you using? ClearML files server?

Posted 3 years ago

Are you using http://app.community.clear.ml ?

Posted 3 years ago
30 Answers
3 years ago
one year ago