t seems there is some async behavior going on. After ending a run, this prompt just hangs for a long time:
2021-04-18 22:55:06,467 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting to finish uploads
And there's no sign of updates on the dashboard
Hmm that could point to an issue uploading the last images (which are larger than regular scalars) could you try flushing and waiting ?
i.e.task.flush() sleep(45)
Hmm can you test with the latest RC?pip install clearml==0.17.6rc1
I should mention this is run within a TF v1 session context
This should not be connected.
everything gets stored as intended (to clearML dashboard)
So in jupyter it works? But from command line it does not ? what's the difference ?
Yes, I am aware of this. None of the values are being reported, neither the scalar, images in debug-samples, nor in the plots tab.
It seems there is some async behavior going on. After ending a run, this prompt just hangs for a long time:
2021-04-18 22:55:06,467 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting to finish uploads
And there's no sign of updates on the dashboard.
Scalars plot fine, images do not find their way to the dashboard
I'll see if I can get time to do a reproducible example.
The issue only arises upon sending Images. (Both numpy, mpl and PIL)
And another detail, upon running the same code in a notebook session, everything gets stored as intended (to clearML dashboard)
If this is the case, then we do not change the maptplotlib backend
I've attempted converting the
image to
and use
to push the image, to no avail.
What are you getting? error / exception ?
Got it to work now. Suspect something to do with a hydra issue, as both clearML hosted nor self-hosted option presented the same issue. Will update as I get a chance.
Hi TrickyRaccoon92
Yes please update me once you can, I would love to be able to reproduce the issue so we could fix for the next RC 🙂
I might add, this error only started to occur upon upgrading from trains to clearmL
The issue only arises upon sending Images. (Both numpy, mpl and PIL)
BTW: they should appear under debug-samples
Tab in the results
AgitatedDove14 , after some more pronging, the error seem to stem from the clearML server. The upload from client side does not seem to occur, or the server is not registering the uploads.
I've attempted to restart the server and pull the latest image, same error.
Likely related to: https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/321 - clearML waits indefinitely on logs from TF v1
I'm running in the command line with Hydra and TFv1
I am able to register that the image exists, however, the push towards the clearML server just does not happen
Hi TrickyRaccoon92
is suddenly used as backend, and instead of writes to the dashboard I get popups per figure.
Are you running with an agent of manually executing the code ?
I'm manually executing on a local machine
I see, no i do not get anything. I either get pop-ups when trying to capture the mpl
figure, and otherwise nothing happens when using report_image
I should mention this is run within a TF v1 session context