Hi SubstantialElk6
Yes this is the queue the glue will pull jobs from and push into the k8s. You can create a new queue from the UI (go to the workers&queues page and to the Queue Tab and press on "create new" Ignore it 🙂 this is if you are using config maps and need TCP routing to your pods As you noted this is basically all the arguments you need to pass for (2). Ignore them for the time being This is the k8s overrides to use if launching the k8s job with kubectl (basically --overrides) If passed instead of calling kubectl run, you provide a k8s template for kubectl apply
The doc also mentioned
preconfigured services with selectors in the form of
"ai.allegro.agent.serial=pod-<number>" and a targetPort of 10022.
Unless you need TCP routing to the pods you can ignore this part