SmallBluewhale13 the final path is automatically generated, you only need to specify the bucket itself. By default it will be your "files_server"
You can either change the configuration (which will make sure All uploaded artificats will always be there, including debug images etc.)
You can specify where you want the artifacts and debug images to be uploaded by setting:'s3://my_bucket')
You can also specify it for the entire Task, which will trigger automatic upload of the models to the same bucket with:Task.init(..., upload_uri='s3://my_bucket')
Hmm worked now...
When Task.init called with output_uri='
s3://my_bucket/sub_folder '
s3://my_bucket/sub_folder/examples/upload issue.4c746400d4334ec7b389dd6232082313/artifacts/test/test.json
Thanks I actually did this "Task.init(..., upload_uri=' s3://my_bucket ')" and it didn't work.
Tested with two sub folders, seems to work.
Could you please test with the latest RC:pip install clearml==0.17.5rc4
File final locations3://company-clearml/artifacts/examples/load_artifacts.f0f4d1cd5eb54795b11508dd1e739145/artifacts/filename.csv.gz/filename.csv.gz
Task Init commandtask = Task.init( project_name="examples", task_name="load_artifacts", output_uri="s3://company-clearml/artifacts/bethan/sales_journeys/", )
Upload artifact commandtask.upload_artifact( filename.csv.gz, artifact_object=df, delete_after_upload=True, wait_on_upload=False )
It should have been:output_uri="s3://company-clearml/artifacts/bethan/sales_journeys/artifacts/examples/load_artifacts.f0f4d1cd5eb54795b11508dd1e739145/artifacts/filename.csv.gz/filename.csv.gz
also will it always addproject/task.4c746400d4334ec7b389dd6232082313/artifacts/filename
I lost you SmallBluewhale13 is this the Task init call you used:task = Task.init( project_name="examples", task_name="load_artifacts", output_uri="s3://company-clearml/artifacts/bethan/sales_journeys/", )
This is how I wanted it to look:output_uri="s3://company-clearml/artifacts/bethan/sales_journeys/filename.csv.gz
So you are saying it ignored everything after the bucket's "/" ?
I have a double sub_folder :output_uri='
s3://my_bucket/sub_folder/sub_sub_folder '