Badges 1
25 × Eureka!This is how I wanted it to look:output_uri="s3://company-clearml/artifacts/bethan/sales_journeys/filename.csv.gz
TenseOstrich47 tagging for viz
I'm using pyenv if that could be the issue?
I can't see it, where should i be looking?
File final locations3://company-clearml/artifacts/examples/load_artifacts.f0f4d1cd5eb54795b11508dd1e739145/artifacts/filename.csv.gz/filename.csv.gz
Task Init commandtask = Task.init( project_name="examples", task_name="load_artifacts", output_uri="s3://company-clearml/artifacts/bethan/sales_journeys/", )
Upload artifact commandtask.upload_artifact( filename.csv.gz, artifact_object=df, delete_after_upload=True, wait_on_upload=False )
Thanks I actually did this "Task.init(..., upload_uri=' s3://my_bucket ')" and it didn't work.
ended up updating to the latest release and this has fixed the issue
I have a double sub_folder :output_uri='
s3://my_bucket/sub_folder/sub_sub_folder '
also will it always addproject/task.4c746400d4334ec7b389dd6232082313/artifacts/filename
I have no idea, that's my question. In the above I assumed that i must have had another version on my system python. But upon checking I don't
how do I see this?
thanks will update, why do you think it failed?
I have the iteration set to 0 for all charts. I'm using a self-hosted server.
When I limit to log one chart and compare 3 experiments I now get a single chart for the first experiment I clicked compare on. With no charts showing for the other two.
I'm trying to compare experiments, works on all the tabs excluding plots, where the plots are blank.
However when I look at the individual tasks I can see the plots.
doing that now, this is the ami used for deployment if that helps ami-006f3e468e893fc99
Checked and I actually only have 0.17.5rc6 installed in any env. No v0.17.2 in the system packages
I'll try uninstalling and see if that clears it up
Yes , the installed packages shows as 0.17.2 and the print is 0.17.5rc6
Thanks for the help, wish i knew what is was but I guess it will be one of those things 🙈