Hi JumpyDragonfly13
Let's assume we have two machines, one we call remote, one we call laptop (at least for this discussion)
On the Remote machine we need to run: (notice we must have docker preinstalled on the remote machine, it can work without docker, let me know if this is the case for you)clearml-agent daemon --queue interactive --create-queue --docker
On the Laptop we runclearml-session --docker nvidia/cuda:10.1-cudnn7-runtime-ubuntu18.04
What clearml-session will do is create a "Task" and enqueue it on the "interactive" queue.
Then the Agent (on the remote machine) will take the "Task" spin the docker create JupyerLab & VSCode-server inside the docker and return links for us to connect to the Remote machine (notice the links are http://localhost because they are automatically tunneld over the SSH connection the clearml-session created for us in the background)
Make sense?