SweetGiraffe8 Works when I'm using plotly...
Can you please copy paste the code with the plotly, it's probably something I'm missing
` fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers'))
logger = cloned_task.get_logger()
logger.report_plotly(title="pnl", series="expected", iteration=0, figure=fig)
fig.show() `
When I have:n = 20 duration = 1000 now = time.mktime(time.localtime()) timestamps = np.linspace(now, now + duration, n) dates = [dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) for ts in timestamps] values = np.sin((timestamps - now) / duration * 2 * np.pi) fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=dates, y=values, mode='markers')) task.get_logger().report_plotly( title="plotly", series="b", iteration=0, figure=fig)
Everything looks okay
can you send me a screen shot from the ui?
maybe its because im still using trains server?
AgitatedDove14 instead of using the clear ml
That might be it, could you test with the Demo server ?
AgitatedDove14 doesnt work with clear ml version as well. The X axis is shown as int numbers intead of timestamp
I'm working with cloned task, can it be related to that?
AgitatedDove14 that is what i Have in the notebook
Hi SweetGiraffe8
could you try with the latest RCpip install 0.17.5rc2
Should work in all cases, plotly/matplotlib/scalar_rerport
but I cannot compare between them :A, what do you think about that? AgitatedDove14