let me know if you need any help/ have issues trying to reproduce...thanks!
MagnificentSeaurchin79 no need for the detection api (yes definitely a mess to setup), it will be more helpful to get a toy example.
BTW MagnificentSeaurchin79 just making sure here:
but I don't see the loss plot in scalars
This is only with Detect API ?
Hi AgitatedDove14 , can you please give me some directions on how to follow this?
This looks strange that only a single scalar is reported.
<tf.Tensor 'Loss/RPNLoss/localization_loss:0' shape=() dtype=float32
This is what is being logged as scalar in the OD API
I'll need to see how to extract only the part that we care about
clearml == 0.17.5rc5
google_cloud_storage == 1.36.1
joblib == 1.0.1
matplotlib == 3.3.4
numpy == 1.20.0
object_detection == 0.1
opencv_python_headless ==
pandas == 1.2.3
scikit_learn == 0.24.1
tensorflow == 2.4.0
MagnificentSeaurchin79 making sure the basics work.
Can you see the 3D plots under the Plot section ?
Regrading the Tensors, could you provide a toy example for us to test ?
This is only with Detect API ?
I only tested it with the Detect API
Hi AgitatedDove14 ! Were you able to reproduce this?
whereas this is what is being logged in your toy example: tf.Tensor(1742.0144, shape=(), dtype=float32)
@ https://app.slack.com/team/U01J3C692M8 where you able to come up with a solution?
yes, that works..but wasn't the issue with logging tensors?
This should have worked with the latest clearml RC.
And you verified it is not working?
It's kind of a pain to setup Tensorflow Object Detection API
I don't think so..I had a problem before 0.17.5
Hi MagnificentSeaurchin79
Could you test with the tesnorflow toy example?
I have to admit, I haven't had the time 😞
Trying to get pip to be twice as fast 🤞
Please keep pinging me, I would really like to follow on it.