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7 Questions, 47 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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3 years ago
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0 Votes 8 Answers 921 Views
Hi all, sorry for simple question, but is it possible to directly specify the gitlab repository to save experiment statistics and artifacts in config file (I...
3 years ago
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28 Answers
0 Votes 28 Answers 1K Views
Hi. After upgrading ClearML to latest version, got this error from my pipeline (Windows10, configured and running TensorflowOD for TF 2.3.): File "C:\Users\S...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 878 Views
3 years ago
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0 Votes 31 Answers 22K Views
3 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 891 Views
Hi there. I'm following the training instructions for testing clearml agent ( https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/docs/tutorials/tutorial_tuning_exp.html#step-3-...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 33 Answers 16K Views
3 years ago
0 Hi All, Sorry For Simple Question, But Is It Possible To Directly Specify The Gitlab Repository To Save Experiment Statistics And Artifacts In Config File (I Have Two Gitlab Accounts And A Github Account)?

Okay. I see, I didn't understand clearly the structure and logic behind ClearML. I though that exernal git repository should be set up to keep logs, stats, etc. So, all these are kept on the ClearML host, correct? However, if I want to keep logs on outer repo, is it possible to config ClearML to keep all these files there?

3 years ago
0 Hi There. I'M Following The Training Instructions For Testing Clearml Agent (

TimelyPenguin76 Yes, that's a new file - I haven't added it to repository yet. What I see for original taks "uncommitted changes" - "no changes logged".

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone. I Have An Issue With The Simple Pipeline - It Runs Two Similar Nn Training Steps (Tf2.3, Windows10, Python 3.7) With Only Difference Is A Batch Size. I'M Running First Separately Each Step To Have Them In Clearml Project Page. Then I Run Pipe

These libraries are absent in the option, which fails. The only libraries of that option (all are present in correct-working option) are:

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

Ok, will check this tomorrow. Thank you for your help!
After few commit-push-pulls got no diff issue on Windows. But just got a weird behavior - if stages running in a pipeline, they do not create new files, but instead, they cannot be run if the files they produce, were not committed. I do not really understand the logic of this. To be exact:
I have 3 stages, each implemented as separate script: 1) converting annotations into coco test.json and train.json files 2) converting ...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

Regarding diff issue - just found that empty folder 'tfrecord' in which tfrecords should be created, doesn't exist on gitlab origin repository. Added it there, then pulled the origin. Still having diff issue, but I'll run few trials to be sure, there's nothin else to create the issue.
As for "installed packages" list. To create a pipeline, I first run each stage (as a script) from cmd. After all the stages are created and can be seen in UI, I run the pipeline. So far I understand, clearml tra...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

No, I meant different thing. It's not easy to explain, sorry. Let me try. Say, I have a project in folder "d:\object_detection". There I have a script, which converts annotations from labelme format to coco format. This script name is convert_test.py and it runs a process, registered under the same name in clearml. This script, being run separately from command prompt creates new file in project folder - test.json . I delete this file, synch local and remote repos, both...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

AgitatedDove14 Yes, it's running with an agent. I've updated the clearml from version 0.17.4 to 0.17.5. Sorry, didn't note the other libraries, which were automatically updated along with the new ClearML version.
However, is there any way to manipulate the packages, which will be installed in venv on running the pipeline? I've tried to run the pipeline on Linux server (clearml v.0.17.4) and got the following issue:
` Requirement already satisfied: numpy==1.19.5 in /root/.clearml/venvs-builds...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

Regarding Windows - pyqt5 is installed. That's the result of pip freeze :
PyQt5==5.15.2 pyqt5-plugins== PyQt5-sip==12.8.1 pyqt5-tools== your link, I've used the last advise and installed pip install PySide2 - I have Python 3.7.7. That didn't help, the issue is the same.
Regarding Linux, I've tried to install object_detection==0.1 , but the requirement was already satisfied. Need to note, that the whole project is placed i...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

No, I do not use --docker flag for clearml agent In Windows setting system_site_packages  to  true allowed all stages in pipeline to start - but doesn't work in Lunux. I've deleted tfrecords from master branch and commit the removal, and set the folder for tfrecords to be ignored in .gitignore. Trying to find, which changes are considered to be uncommited. By cache files I mean the files in folder C:\Users\Super.clearml\vcs-cache - based on error message, cle...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

AgitatedDove14 The fact is that I use docker for running clearml server both on Linux and Windows. When I run tasks one-by-one from command line, they run OK - but in this case, clearml doesn't create venv and runs tasks in host environment. When I start tasks in pipeline, clearml creates venv for executing the tasks - there the issue raieses.

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

For classification example (clml_cl_toy) - script A is image_augmentation.py , which creates augmented images, script B is train_1st_nn.py (of train_2nd_nn.py , which does the same), which trains ANN based on augmented images For object detection example script A is represented by two scripts - annotation_conversion_test.py , which creates file test.json and annotation_conversion_train.py , which creates file train.json . These files are use...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

AgitatedDove14 Just in case, I've created toy examples of processes I'm running - one for classification, another for object detection. Maybe, it would be more clear, what I'm trying to get: https://gitlab.com/kuznip/clml_cl_toy , https://gitlab.com/kuznip/clml_od_toy .

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

AgitatedDove14 I've set system_site_packages: true . Almost succeeded. Current pipeline has the following stages: 1) convert annotations from labelme into coco format 2) convert annotations in coco format and corresponding images to tfrecords. 3) run training MASK RCNN. The process previously failed on the second stage. After setting system_site_packages: true , the pipeline starts the third stage, but fails with some git issue:
` diff --git a/work/tfrecord/test.record b/work/t...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

Linux: resetting task in UI and removing object_detection from list of libraries to be installed for stage 2 (generating tfrecord) and for stage 3 (training nn) helped to pass the stage2 and start the stage3, where training crashed - seems system cannot import some files from 'object_detection' folder.
Windows: I cannot store generated files as configuration on the Task - there are several files to be generated and some may be pretty large, up to few gigs. Looks like the...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

AgitatedDove14 In "Results -> Console" tab of UI, I see that the issue with running object detection on Linux is the following:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement object_detection==0.1 (from -r /tmp/cached-reqsypv09bhw.txt (line 7)) (from versions: 0.0.3)
Is it possible to comment the line object_detection==0.1 ? Actually, no such version of this or similar library exists. I quess, that this requirement is not necessary. Can I turn of the installati...

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

AgitatedDove14 Set system_site_packages to true for Linux - having the same error ( ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement object_detection==0.1 (from -r /tmp/cached-reqsjhs2q2gm.txt (line 7)) (from versions: 0.0.3) ).

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone. I Have An Issue With The Simple Pipeline - It Runs Two Similar Nn Training Steps (Tf2.3, Windows10, Python 3.7) With Only Difference Is A Batch Size. I'M Running First Separately Each Step To Have Them In Clearml Project Page. Then I Run Pipe


3 years ago
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