Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
On A Similar Note, The Million Autogenerated Experiments When Doing Tuning Swamp Out Everything Else In The Experiments And Models Tabs. Is There A Current Solution To Hide Autogenerated Runs, Give Them Specific Tags, Etc, Or Is This Not Yet Possible? Sor

On a similar note, the million autogenerated experiments when doing tuning swamp out everything else in the experiments and models tabs. Is there a current solution to hide autogenerated runs, give them specific tags, etc, or is this not yet possible? Sort of like how Katib has an experiment, and each HP test is a trial, which is nested under the experiment, instead of them all being in the same flat list

Posted 3 years ago
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Answers 10

To go off the online example, it finds the top 3 performing models and prints out the ID. What would be better would be to take those 3 IDs and - in the python code - grab the model artifacts for each, put them into the parent HPO model as its artifacts, and then go through the archive everything. Doesnt solve the issue if a HPO run is going to take a few days (in which the UI would become unusable), but once its done then the auto archiving would clean it up a lot. Is that possible at all, until nesting becomes bakes in?

Posted 3 years ago

+1 for autoarchiving. Right now the interface feels incredibly clunky to use once the number of HPO trials starts to increase. I currently have a demo project and have different algos to make predictions (a simple keras model, a RF, etc). Ideally Iā€™d want to see the HPO execution just once with all the trials underneath it, or just the top (few) models. At the moment, I have pages and pages of models, 99% of them I dont care about. Is it possible to archive models and set tags in the code rather than the UI?

Posted 3 years ago

LudicrousParrot69 I would advise the following:
Put all the experiments in a new project Filter based on the HPO tag, and sort the experiments based on the metric we are optimizing (see adding custom columns to the experiment table) And select + archive the experiments that are not usedBTW: I think someone already suggested we do the auto archiving inside the HPO process itself. Thoughts ?

Posted 3 years ago

LudicrousParrot69 we are working on adding nested project which should help with the humongous mass the HPO can create. This is a more generic solution for the nesting issue. (since nesting inside a table is probably not the best UX solution šŸ™‚ )

Posted 3 years ago

Yeah I was imagining the artifact, id, link to the child task, etc, would all be saved out. I have the HPO experiment open in the UI at the moment, and yup, I can see in the Results>Plots a table summary, but that wasnt the issue, it was trying to clean up the project wide experiments view without making a large number of projects. Are tagging / archiving available in the API for a task? Also, thanks for the help so far šŸ™‚

Posted 3 years ago

Doesnt solve the issue if a HPO run is going to take a few days

The HPO Task has a table of the top performing experiments, so when you go to the "Plot" tab you get a summary of all the runs, with the Task ID of the top performing one.
No need to run through the details of the entire experiments, just look at the summary on the HPO Task.

Posted 3 years ago

Are tagging / archiving available in the API for a task?

Everything that the UI can do you can do programmatically šŸ™‚
task.add_tags / set_tags / get_tags
task.set_system_tags(task.get_system_tags() + ['archived'])

Posted 3 years ago

Ah yup, found it, I was in the server Tasks doco and not the clearml Task doco, oops!

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago

... grab the model artifacts for each, put them into the parent HPO model as its artifacts, and then go through the archive everything.

Nice. wouldn't it make more sense to "store" a link to the "winning" experiment. So you know how to reproduce it, and the set of HP that were chosen?
No that the model is bad, but how would I know how to reproduce it, or retrain when I have more data etc..

Posted 3 years ago
10 Answers
3 years ago
one year ago