test package is not installed but its in the current working directory
i can not check the working directory today due to vpn issues in accessing server but script path was -m test.scripts
it was missing script
from it
PompousParrot44 What is the "working directory" on the experiment itself? and the "script path"?
Based on what you wrote above, in order for it work you should have:
working directory: "."
script path: "-m test.scripts.script"
notice no "--args" and working directory is "." (i.e. the root of the repository)
with this layout.. it didn't work earlier
trains-agent version as mentioned is 0.16.1 and server is 0.16.1 as well
Let me know if you managed to get it working, then we can see if we can detect it automatically.
PompousParrot44 I assume the folder structure is something like:
--> test
-----> scripts
If this is the case, make sure the ""working directory" is .
which means repository root
What's the "working directory" ?
What's the trains-agent version?
(yes this should have worked, as long as the package "test" is there)
PompousParrot44 please try to reply on the thread, so we do not create a mess in the main channel 🙂
What's the "working directory" in the execution section? Do you have package "test" in the installed packages?
AgitatedDove14 sorry having issues on my side to connect to server to test it.. but directory structure when i execute the command is like thisDirectory layout: ~/test/scripts/script.py ~$ python -m test.scripts.script --args
PompousParrot44 did you manage to get it working ?