Hi EnviousStarfish54 .
I'm trying to make sure I understand the scenario. What I undestood is that you add a custom column (metric) to the experiments table, sort by it and then refresh with F5. I wasn't able to reproduce this on the Demo site ( https://demoapp.trains.allegro.ai/projects/*/experiments?columns=selected&columns=type&columns=name&columns=tags&columns=status&columns=project.name&columns=users&columns=started&columns=last_update&columns=last_iteration&columns=m.5451af93e0bf68a4ab09f654b222ccae.74646afee0e0ab18d3cbd08ce1ff6aa3.value.:monitor:gpu.gpu_0_mem_usage&order=last_metrics.5451af93e0bf68a4ab09f654b222ccae.74646afee0e0ab18d3cbd08ce1ff6aa3.value ).
Is this scenario correct, or is there something I missed?
EnviousStarfish54 - we identified the issue, and will fix it for the next release
CumbersomeCormorant74 Thanks for the reply. Let me clarify, I mean reordering the columns (dragging the column).
If the drag defaults columns, and hit F5, the order is preserved. However, if you try adding a metric column to be the first column and hit F5, it will not be preserved.
may I ask is there a planned release date?
Hi EnviousStarfish54 , there's no current date but I expect it to be around early Oct (note this is a server release. patch releases for the SDK and Agent will probably be released sooner).
EnviousStarfish54 - Got it!
I'll look into it and update you. Thanks for reporting!