How Can I Log My Configuration Like This?
I Have A Dict Params = {'Data':{'Data_Key':123}, 'Model':{'Model_Key':123}}, But It Become Data/Datakey Instead Of An Foldable Config.
In Addition, I Don'T Want To Name It As "General", Where Can I Change It?
EnviousStarfish54 generally speaking the hyper parameters are flat key/value pairs. you can have as many sections as you like, but inside each section, key/value pairs. If you pass a nested dict, it will be stored as path/to/key:value (as you witnessed).
If you need to store a more complicated configuration dict (nesting, lists etc), use the connect_configuration, it will convert your dict to text (in HOCON format) and store that.
In both cases you can edit the configuration and then when running with the trains-agent, the code will have the values from the trains-server (instead of the values set in code), this is the "connect" idea.
Make sense ?
4 years ago
one year ago