And yes, it makes perfect sense, thanks for the answer
I was sure you are on Israel times as well, sorry for the night time thing 😄
AgitatedDove14 just a reminder if you missed this question 😄
Thank you WackyRabbit7 please feel free to remind me if it slips away during my night time (yes I do sleep , contrary to common belief :))
So I wonder - why should an agent be related to a specific user's credentials? Is the right way to go about this is to create a "fake user" for the sake of the agent?
Very true you have to have credentials for the trains-agent, so it can "report" to the trains-server, that said, the creator of the Task (i.e. the person who cloned it) will be registered as the "user" in the UI.
I would recommend to create an "agent" user and put it's credentials on the trains-agent machine (the same way you add any credentials), this way you do not "bleed" credentials throughout the system.
WackyRabbit7 , Make sense ?