Active since 10 January 2023
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9 months ago
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533 × Eureka!(data is a bit different, but the plot is missing hte scale and the colors)
3 years ago
Is there any API reference? Somewhere in the docs I can see the signature of methods/classes and see what arguments they accept and description? Before I'm r...
4 years ago
I must compliment the Python level and documentation level in the source code is superb, I love reading it 😄 Even though I love reading it, is there anywher...
3 years ago
Any documentation (code examples) on how to log custom plotly plots?
3 years ago
What is the correct way of setting environment variables for agents which DON'T RUN in docker mode? Do they simply inherit from the environment they were exe...
3 years ago
Where can I find a more extensive documentation of serving? I'm looking for How to write pre + post processing callbacks for inference and statistics Manual ...
2 years ago
How should I edit the Cleanup Service so I can filter deleted tasks on project / task name? https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/service...
3 years ago
Why would the Mongo4 migration scripts (for clearml-server 1.2) try to chown 1000:1000?
2 years ago
In order to use the AWS Autoscaling, with spot and without spot instances - should we create a custom policy with the associated IAM or will one of the two A...
4 years ago
I'm looking to utilize the Trains AWS autoscaler functionality, but after going through its docs a few times I still don't get it. Ultimately, my setup is th...
4 years ago
Sorry for the bombarding with errors.. but here comes another one 🙂 I have torch installed locally (through the transformers library) and when sending it to...
4 years ago
I'm running multiple trains-agents on one BFG-9000 machine. Is there a way to stop only one agent? trains-agent daemon --stop is my only option right now, bu...
4 years ago
Question about out-of-Python dependencies. For example NLTK requires apt-get install sqlite-devel how can we manage dependencies like that on the train agents?
4 years ago
What's going on with the documentation site?
4 years ago
Following the instructions for local trains deployment on Linux ( https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_linux_mac/ ) seems to download versi...
4 years ago
What is being stored exactly in tmp by the clearml agent? I have a process that cleans the /tmp each day, and I now get messages like clearml_agent: ERROR: C...
3 years ago
Question about the configuration format - I'd like to parse it within my Python code so I'll be able to access things like google.storage.containers programa...
4 years ago
Executed from within a PipelineController task, what possible reason does current_task() have to return None ? 2021-11-07T11:32:43.7366887Z clearml.Task.curr...
3 years ago
Question about the storage manager. Assuming I have an object that updates frequently and always saved at the same path (e.g. my_bucket/my_data.csv ) and I w...
4 years ago
I want to use the PipelineController which assumes a task already been executed and as ready as template. I never executed the task before and it is a very l...
3 years ago
and an explicit question: When using Task.get_tasks how do I filter by specific parameters? For example I have a script that accepts as a command line argume...
3 years ago
Question about using agents. When initializing an agent, credentials are required. As I see it, credentials is something personal, which belongs to data scie...
4 years ago
I have a task which I reported a table to - how do I access this table through code? The clearml Task object attribute "artifacts" is empty
3 years ago
Question about pipelines - so the default for pipeline tasks that are executed remotely is to execute on the services queue. Assuming I want only ONE agent l...
3 years ago
I have a production inference pipeline which I want to continuously test on my Github to make sure it doesn't break as we move forward. The ideal scenario fo...
3 years ago
A suggestion. Sometimes newcomers that join an existing project that uses ClearML forget to configure their ClearML for the organization's server resulting i...
3 years ago
I have to say I'm totally confused by the pipeline I want to execute the pipeline on my local computer. I followed https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/...
3 years ago
Got something very wrong with my pipeline, the pipeline plot shows it has an experiment in_progress but when going to the experiment itself it is already com...
3 years ago
Question, when using PipelineController.add_step and specifying a task name + project, if the task + project combinations have multiple runs, which one will ...
3 years ago
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