Active since 10 January 2023
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10 months ago
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533 × Eureka!I've been working a bit with trains-agent, having them deployed on different machines listening to queues (docker mode) and it's been working good so far. My...
4 years ago
How should I go about making all the artifacts default saving location to a bucket? (destination for automatically saved artifacts, uploaded and registered) ...
4 years ago
Assuming I call Task.enqueue() on a task, is there a way for me to get a link to the task execution? I want to write a message to slack, containing the URL s...
2 years ago
Moreover, when I go to the queue page, I see the queue is empty, but when I'm on the queued task's page I can see it is enqueued to right right queue... So t...
3 years ago
Question about using agents. When initializing an agent, credentials are required. As I see it, credentials is something personal, which belongs to data scie...
4 years ago
Is there any API reference? Somewhere in the docs I can see the signature of methods/classes and see what arguments they accept and description? Before I'm r...
4 years ago
Question about the usage of trains agents. In our company we have 3 HPC servers, two of them have multiple GPUs, one is CPU only. I saw in the docs the multi...
4 years ago
In order to use the AWS Autoscaling, with spot and without spot instances - should we create a custom policy with the associated IAM or will one of the two A...
4 years ago
What is the correct way of setting environment variables for agents which DON'T RUN in docker mode? Do they simply inherit from the environment they were exe...
3 years ago
(no menu on top or side)
3 years ago
Sorry for the bombarding with errors.. but here comes another one 🙂 I have torch installed locally (through the transformers library) and when sending it to...
4 years ago
Following the instructions for local trains deployment on Linux ( https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_linux_mac/ ) seems to download versi...
4 years ago
Question about out-of-Python dependencies. For example NLTK requires apt-get install sqlite-devel how can we manage dependencies like that on the train agents?
4 years ago
Is there a way to programatically access the tasks a PipelineController launched? I have the clearml.Task object in hand and I wonder how to access all the t...
3 years ago
Am I doing something wrong or is should I open an issue about it (bug?)? I'm using the logger.report_plotly method to visualize a custom plot. Using the exac...
3 years ago
Any documentation (code examples) on how to log custom plotly plots?
3 years ago
When using the marketplace AMI - what is the diference between "Launch from website" vs "Launch through EC2"?
4 years ago
How do I restart trains-agents? How do I stop them?
4 years ago
Guess we're back to basics How do I report a single scalar with no iteration dimension - something I can put as one of the columns in the experiments table?
4 years ago
How should I edit the Cleanup Service so I can filter deleted tasks on project / task name? https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/service...
3 years ago
I'm looking to utilize the Trains AWS autoscaler functionality, but after going through its docs a few times I still don't get it. Ultimately, my setup is th...
4 years ago
How do I get access to uploaded artifacts (not registered)? I see I can find their URL using Task.get_task(...).artifacts and then use StorageManager to down...
4 years ago
What is being stored exactly in tmp by the clearml agent? I have a process that cleans the /tmp each day, and I now get messages like clearml_agent: ERROR: C...
3 years ago
We are having the same issue as https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/issues/324 with no resolution... any ideas on how to solve this?
3 years ago
and an explicit question: When using Task.get_tasks how do I filter by specific parameters? For example I have a script that accepts as a command line argume...
3 years ago
Question about the file server. Currently, we have a machine with MINIO installed, and all file communication is made using the MINIO SDK client. [MINIO is j...
4 years ago
Question about the storage manager. Assuming I have an object that updates frequently and always saved at the same path (e.g. my_bucket/my_data.csv ) and I w...
4 years ago
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