Hi.. Wondering If It Is Possible To Schedule Experiments Run At A Given Time E.G. Cron Schedule Or It Needs To Be Triggered From Ui/Api
Hi PompousParrot44
Unfortunately this is still not available in the UI. As part of the Controllers, we thought of having a "Cron" controller that Clones base xperiments at a given time and schedulers them for execution. We are looking for specific use cases, to make sure this will actually answer the requirements of users.
It looks as if that might be what you are after, is this correct? What exactly is the use case here? Is it a stable daily cron job (for example retrain the an experiment at the end of the day with the latest code from the git master) ? Or is it a way to add another layer over the Job Scheduler (for example: start training in 2 hours because I still need the resource) ?
4 years ago
2 years ago