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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi Guys! Love Using Trains And Love The Great Support In This Channel. Say I Have Two Different Training Experiments Which Report Every 20 Iteration, But The Batch Size Between Them Is Different, Resulting In Different Number Of Iterations Per Epoch. I Wo

Hi guys! love using trains and love the great support in this channel.
Say I have two different training experiments which report every 20 iteration, but the batch size between them is different, resulting in different number of iterations per epoch. I would like to be able to somehow specify how many iterations are considered an epoch, or mark ahen an epoch ends so I'll be able to comapre the two experiments over time. Is this possible?

Posted 4 years ago
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Answers 12

Hmm... scaling these scalars while reporting might be a bit too much to do in the background, don't you think you will loose transparency as in the TB you'll see graphs that are diff from what you see in the system ?

Posted 4 years ago

How do you report it?

Posted 4 years ago

thanks! so basically for experiments that are already finished I have no way to compare ATM, right?

Posted 4 years ago

ok. thank you 🙂

Posted 4 years ago

I doesn't really matter to me. One solution I had in mind is that this can be done by the web client on demand, meaning you can manually (or using the Task object) specify how many iteration constitute a single epoch, and instead of scaling the plots will just be subsampled (or interpolated)

Posted 4 years ago

So obviously the straight forward solution is to report normalize the step value when reporting to TB, i.e. int(step/batch_size). Which makes sense as I suppose the batch size is known and is part of the hyper-parameters. Normalization itself can be done when comparing experiments in the UI, and in the backend can do that, if given the correct normalization parameter. I think this feature request should actually be posted on GitHub, as it is not as simple as one might think (the UI needs to allow you to select parameter for comparison, then the question is do we normalize all the scalars or just a few etc.)
Anyhow if we have enough people interested we can definitely add it :)

Posted 4 years ago

tensorboard automagic 😉

Posted 4 years ago

ShallowCat10 Thank you for the kind words 🙂

so I'll be able to compare the two experiments over time. Is this possible?

You mean like match the loss based on "images seen" ?

Posted 4 years ago

yeah. something like that

Posted 4 years ago

right now the situation is problematic, because as I mentioned, I can't compare the training process between different batch sizes (or effective batch size, if I use a different number of GPUs)

Posted 4 years ago

I mean manually you can get the results and rescale but, not through the UI

Posted 4 years ago

yes 😞

Posted 4 years ago
12 Answers
4 years ago
2 years ago