DilapidatedDucks58 trains-agent adds the artifactory URL as --extra-index-url , are you sure you are getting the correct torch version in the container? because the torch html is not an artifactory html, it is a list of links, I just want to make sure you are getting the correct version, because otherwise it can default to the CPU version, which we don't want 🙂 anyhow you can use the direct link in the "installed packages and just put there " https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu101/torch-1.6.0.dev20200421%2Bcu101-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl " instead of torch==
Regrading the precomputed files, yes, if they are already on S3 you can do:from trains.storage import StorageManager local_location_of_the_file = StorageManager.get_local_copy('
And since there is now caching, and it is persistent over runs (yes even in containers) you only download the file once 🙂 what do you think? (Also it give you the option of replacing these files, and now you will be able to have the link as one of the Task parameters)