one possibility for getting the notebook filepath is finding and parsing /home/sagemaker-user/.jupyter/lab/workspaces/default-37a8.jupyterlab-workspace
I think, but I don't know if I can tie that to a specific session
Try to add here:
server_info['url'] = f"http://{server_info['hostname']}:{server_info['port']}/"
but maybe that doesn't matter, actually - it might be one session per host I guess
yeah, even then it'll run but return 0 notebooks
and this
server_info['url'] = f"http://{server_info['hostname']}:{server_info['port']}/{server_info['base_url']}/"
Hmm and you are getting empty list for thi one:
server_info['url'] = f"http://{server_info['hostname']}:{server_info['port']}/"
so my reading of the jupyter-kernel-gateway
docs is that each session is containerized, so each notebook "session" is totally isolated
weird that it won't return that single session
but one possible workaround is to try to figure out if it's running in a gateway and then find the only notebook running on that server
I think it just ends up in /home/sagemaker-user/{notebook}.ipynb
every time
What happens when you call:
from clearml.backend_interface.task.repo import ScriptInfo
This is very odd ... let me check something
environ{'PYTHONNOUSERSITE': '0',
'HOSTNAME': 'gfp-science-ml-t3-medium-d579233e8c4b53bc5ad626f2b385',
'AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI': '/_sagemaker-instance-credentials/xxx',
'JUPYTER_PATH': '/usr/share/jupyter/',
'SAGEMAKER_LOG_FILE': '/var/log/studio/kernel_gateway.log',
'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/tmp/miniconda3/condabin:/tmp/anaconda3/condabin:/tmp/miniconda2/condabin:/tmp/anaconda2/condabin',
'REGION_NAME': 'us-east-1',
'AWS_DEFAULT_REGION': 'us-east-1',
'PWD': '/home/sagemaker-user',
'AWS_REGION': 'us-east-1',
'SHLVL': '1',
'HOME': '/home/sagemaker-user',
'AWS_ACCOUNT_ID': 'xxx',
'_': '/opt/.sagemakerinternal/conda/bin/jupyter-kernelgateway',
'LC_CTYPE': 'C.UTF-8',
'TERM': 'xterm-color',
'CLICOLOR': '1',
'PAGER': 'cat',
'GIT_PAGER': 'cat',
as best I can tell it'll only have one .ipynb in $HOME
with this setup, which may work...
if I use the same kernel there'll be two
but even then the sessions endpoint is still empty
Hmm what do you have here?
os.system("cat /var/log/studio/kernel_gateway.log")