{"type": "server", "timestamp": "2023-02-23T17:28:53,998Z", "level": "ERROR", "component": "i.n.u.c.D.rejectedExecution", "cluster.name": "clearml", "node.name": "clearml", "message": "Failed to submit a listener notification task. Event loop shut down?", "cluster.uuid": "MaYOStbNR6awAlPgDz2r5A", "node.id": "Nr-Cs0Y_S1642J-xn17I-g" ,
You will have to provide more information. What other docker containers are running and how did you start the server?
@<1539780272512307200:profile|GaudyPig83> screenshots are really hard to follow - can you attach the entire log as a text file?
Also, clearml.backend_interface.session.SendError: Action failed <500/100: tasks.enqueue/v1.0...
is not from the ES container - where did you get this error?
I'm sorry, but I will need more context. Where exactly is this log from? Can you confirm you're working with a self-hosted open source server? Which container/microservices is giving you this last error message?
@<1539780272512307200:profile|GaudyPig83> the containers seem fine - where was the original error you posted taken from? it looks like it's from a clearml task log
other container logs look working correctlly
Hey @<1539780272512307200:profile|GaudyPig83> !
Are you running a self-hosted server? Is this the only type of HTTP call that fails or does e.g. logging experiments also not work? A connection error usually means your docker containers can't reach each other.