I'm not sure that is possible. What is your specific use case?
I'm not sure, maybe @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> might have an idea 🙂
Hi @<1544853688374267904:profile|ResponsiveAnt93> , the agent can clone submodules of the main repository where the code is located. If you have additional dependencies that are outside the repository, these must be specified somewhere (i.e. in the requirements.txt file in the repository or in the task requirements) - they can be python packages, wheels or direct repository references, anything supported by pip, basically.
We have a repo with utility functions. If I were to make that into a git submodule, how would I make sure it clones submodules when I enqueue it?
Do you mean like sub modules or actually just clone several independent repositories?
for example, a utils repo that lies outside of the one I am using