Hi All,
Is It Possible To Control The Number Of Steps Of The Pipeline During Run Time.
Eg. If User Wants #N Parallel Steps In The Pipeline
argument saying always create from code
can be helpful
@<1523701523954012160:profile|ShallowCormorant89> any chance you can open a github issue on that, just so we do not forget ?
if we can edit the configuration objects of a pipeline, that can be beneficial too. which we're unable to do from UI
Actually you already can, after you clone the pipeline, you can press on details then go to configuration Tab, and edit the pipeline object. The format is HOCON (like json only does not break if missed a , " etc.). Should be quite self explanatory. Not full UI drag & drop, but definitely allows to add some changes (If this feature is used by more users we might add nicer UI, currently I'm not sure how many would actually like to edit pipelines)
one year ago
one year ago