Is There Any Way To Change The X-Axis On The Charts For Scalars, To Say E.G. "Epochs" Instead Of "Iterations"? Or Is That Hardcoded?
Yes, exactly. Here is the logical sense it makes: I have plots where iterations represent different units: for some these plots iterations (call them A) are optimization steps, while for others (call them B) they are evaluation iterations, occuring every N optimization steps. I would like to either:
- Change the X label so these different plots do not have the same label when they represent different things.
- Or, even better, keep the unique "iterations" label but be able to change how I log the evaluation plots B (epoch-scaled) so that it's x-axis is multiplied by the number of optimization iterations in an epoch (i.e. multiply by
). Thus both A and B plots x-axis plots would be aligned. The second option would be ideal: I could see the evaluation plots on the same scale as the training.
one year ago
one year ago