I Am Trying To Run A Python File With The Clearml Using Aws. Because Cloning The Repo And Creating An Environment Kept Failing, I Have Decided To Use Docker.
I Created A Docker On My Local Computer. I Mounted 2 Volumes. One For My Directory With My Code
ResponsiveAnt93 the autoscaler is not designed to spin docker images independently - it will always spin a machine and install an agent on it, than instruct the agent to pull tasks from a specified queue. The agent, in turn will pull a task and execute it. Executing a task within a docker container is a process in which an agent is spun inside the container and handles environment setup and task execution - it is not a process of just spinning a pre-packaged docker container (even in standalone mode, it assume an agent installed in the image).
What didn't work when cloning the repo and creating the environment?
one year ago
one year ago