What do i set it to so that my models upload to clearml? justserver_ip:8081
Hi @<1556450111259676672:profile|PlainSeaurchin97> , I think what you're looking for is the output_uri
parameter in Task.init()
Hi all! What's the best way to send my (automatically tracked pytorch) models to the ClearML server?
My models are curently saved with file://
URI's, but i want to be able to download them from the clearml server at any time
I thought the documentation and videos were not very clear about this specific use case
What do i set it to so that my models upload to clearml? justserver_ip:8081
Hi @<1556450111259676672:profile|PlainSeaurchin97> , I think what you're looking for is the output_uri
parameter in Task.init()