Hi, I’M Trying To Create A Dataset On Clearml Server From My Aws S3 Bucket Via:
I didn’t change anything in my clearml.conf. Is there sth in sdk.development that I need to change:
development {
# Development-mode options
# dev task reuse window
task_reuse_time_window_in_hours: 72.0
# Run VCS repository detection asynchronously
vcs_repo_detect_async: true
# Store uncommitted git/hg source code diff in experiment manifest when training in development mode
# This stores "git diff" or "hg diff" into the experiment's "script.requirements.diff" section
store_uncommitted_code_diff: true
# Support stopping an experiment in case it was externally stopped, status was changed or task was reset
support_stopping: true
# Default Task output_uri. if output_uri is not provided to Task.init, default_output_uri will be used instead.
default_output_uri: ""
# Default auto generated requirements optimize for smaller requirements
# If True, analyze the entire repository regardless of the entry point.
# If False, first analyze the entry point script, if it does not contain other to local files,
# do not analyze the entire repository.
force_analyze_entire_repo: false
# If set to true, *clearml* update message will not be printed to the console
# this value can be overwritten with os environment variable CLEARML_SUPPRESS_UPDATE_MESSAGE=1
suppress_update_message: false
# If this flag is true (default is false), instead of analyzing the code with Pigar, analyze with `pip freeze`
detect_with_pip_freeze: false
# Log specific environment variables. OS environments are listed in the "Environment" section
# of the Hyper-Parameters.
# multiple selected variables are supported including the suffix '*'.
# For example: "AWS_*" will log any OS environment variable starting with 'AWS_'.
# This value can be overwritten with os environment variable CLEARML_LOG_ENVIRONMENT="[AWS_*, CUDA_VERSION]"
# Example: log_os_environments: ["AWS_*", "CUDA_VERSION"]
log_os_environments: []
# Development mode worker
worker {
# Status report period in seconds
report_period_sec: 2
# The number of events to report
report_event_flush_threshold: 100
# ping to the server - check connectivity
ping_period_sec: 30
# Log all stdout & stderr
log_stdout: true
# Carriage return (\r) support. If zero (0) \r treated as \n and flushed to backend
# Carriage return flush support in seconds, flush consecutive line feeds (\r) every X (default: 10) seconds
console_cr_flush_period: 10
# compatibility feature, report memory usage for the entire machine
# default (false), report only on the running process and its sub-processes
report_global_mem_used: false
one year ago
one year ago