Hi, I’M Trying To Create A Dataset On Clearml Server From My Aws S3 Bucket Via:
To expand on this, suppose I have an S3 bucket where my data is stored and I wish to transfer it to ClearML file server. I execute the following Python script
from clearml import Dataset
dataset = Dataset.create(dataset_name="my_dataset", dataset_project="my_project")
and this is aws part of my clearml.conf
aws {
s3 {
# S3 credentials, used for read/write access by various SDK elements
# The following settings will be used for any bucket not specified below in the "credentials" section
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
region: ""
# Specify explicit keys
key: "AKI***I5"
secret: "2+1yd***2H6y"
# Or enable credentials chain to let Boto3 pick the right credentials.
# This includes picking credentials from environment variables,
# credential file and IAM role using metadata service.
# Refer to the latest Boto3 docs
use_credentials_chain: false
# Additional ExtraArgs passed to boto3 when uploading files. Can also be set per-bucket under "credentials".
extra_args: {}
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
credentials: [
# specifies key/secret credentials to use when handling s3 urls (read or write)
bucket: "my_bucket"
key: "AKI***I5"
secret: "2+1yd***2H6y"
# {
# # This will apply to all buckets in this host (unless key/value is specifically provided for a given bucket)
# host: "my-minio-host:9000"
# key: "12345678"
# secret: "12345678"
# multipart: false
# secure: false
# }
I noticed that while a dataset instance is generated on the ClearML dashboard, the data itself is not uploaded to the ClearML file server. I had assumed that this would be a straightforward process, apparently it’s not!
one year ago
one year ago